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Adult Faith Formation

“Catholic school boards are encouraged to support processes for faith formation for emerging leaders, and to approach this important task in ways that are comprehensive, systematic, thoughtful, intentional and well-respected.”
(Renewing the Promise, Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario)

Faith Formation

The reimagining of adult faith formation builds upon the good work already in place across our Catholic community. It requires that we thoughtfully consider the experiences we will foster to ensure that a strong, positive Catholic identity is evident in the ethos of our community and to what we will give our greatest energy and resources. Catholic leadership is about an influencing relationship; a collaborative process, that nurtures faith, spirituality, and culture throughout the community.

To support this effort, the Catholic Partners of the Diocese of Hamilton commissioned the Walking Each Other Home series of monographs.

In addition, a comprehensive adult faith formation and leadership development program experience, ‘From Information to Transformation’ was created and is offered collaboratively to each of the participating partner organizations.

Other professional learning opportunities and resources are developed based on the expressed needs and interests of the partners.​

Walking Each Other Home Monographs​

Click to view, download or print the monographs and workbook.

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“We’re all just walking each other home.”

– Ram Dass

Adult Faith Formation and Leadership Development Program

The From Information to Transformation faith formation and leadership program is an initiative of the Diocese of Hamilton Catholic Education Partnership that supports the needs of emergent Catholic leaders in Catholic institutions and education partners in the Diocese of Hamilton.

The two year program experience allows participants to engage in six modules. Each module includes a ‘head, heart, and hands’ approach, integrating knowledge of the Catholic faith, critical reflection, the nurturing of the spiritual growth of participants, both personally and in community, and the living out of faith in the respective vocational contexts of the participants.

Upon completion of the program, candidates have a deeper understanding of themselves as faith­filled Christians within the life of the church and leadership in their own Catholic community.

Candidates are recommended by their respective boards. Intake for the next cohort will begin in November 2023. Spaces are limited.

Click here to download the  From Information to Transformation poster with program dates and locations.

From Information to Transformation Faith Formation and Leadership Program Objectives

This two-year program recognizes that Catholic leadership requires us to reflect critically on:

  • our inheritance — our stories, our history, and our spiritualities;
  • the ways in which we are part of our heritage;
  • our contemporary culture;
  • the ways in which we are called to ongoing spiritual growth;
  • Pope Francis’ invitation to build a culture of encounter; and
  • the meaning of our commitment to leadership and to community.

The program provides participants with the opportunity to:

  • Build community
  • Nurture our personal and communal faith
  • Critically reflect on the meaning, value, and significance of Catholic leadership in the church and the world
  • Discover the gifts that we bring to leadership as individuals and as a community of faith
  • Develop a contemplative mind
  • Confront the challenges that are an inevitable part of spiritual growth and leadership
  • Discern how we are called to live out our Baptismal call and servant leadership

Structure of the From Information to Transformation program

“Our faith is rooted in a relationship with God experienced through the risen Christ and enlivened by the Holy Spirit. In order to nourish, promote, and enrich that relationship, we are called to be full members of communities that serve the Church and the world.”

— Partners in Catholic Education in the Diocese of Hamilton Partnership Agreement​